Are you the only person who edits here, Ketta? Because it's kind of depressing that you made so many alt accounts to have conversations with yourself. Also, what's up with all of the false accusations about the Sophia Show and Hurt Christian? They aren't even real shows!
Although I can't really say you're depressing when I'm the one who is still talking to someone who left me alone a few months ago. I was just wondering if you truly were the only one who really is here, and also if your parents know of your Sophia Show: Unknown Episode pastas that depict graphic interpretations of sex and torture...
I just noticed something.....
Gosh, I never noticed how many Hurt Christian episodes there is. And now... A THIRD SEASON?!? Is this show that popular?
Save The Hurt was ok, I guess it sucked a little. This season went by so fast, and now a third season?
Anyways, just leave a comment on this if you agree?